
This site is about Amnatcharoen in Thailand. The site is aimed at the foreign visitor finding themselves in the Province of Amnatcharoen in Thailand. Here you can find details on Entertainment, Maps, Accommodation through to the location of the local Immigration Office in Amnatcharoen. If you would like to contribute, share information or views about Amnatcharoen, then please post a comment.

Supporters of Amnatcharoe

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

nong bua lamphu

we rented a motorcycle in nong bua lamphu from mt motorcycle hire

Monday, 2 August 2010


Amnatcharoen Desert Classic Golf Course

Located about 10km from Ming Mong Khon Intersection, see City Map, on the road to Senangkhanikhom and Mukdahan. This is a 9 hole Course and is in a reasonable condition considering this part of Thailand.

There are a number of water hazards which makes it interesting. With an on site driving range at 20 baht a bucket of balls and a thai style open air club house which serves food and refreshments to cater for your needs.

Green fees are 170 baht for 9 holes and 240 baht for 18 holes. Included in this price is the caddy fee but you are expected to tip the caddy at 100 baht for 9 holes and 200 baht for 18 holes.

The toitet and shower facilities are basic but functional.

Cheaper than Pattaya

About Amnatcharoen

Saturday, 17 April 2010




Amnatcharoen City Square (Ming Mongkol Park)

Situated in the heart of Amnatcharoen is the City Square opposite the Bangkok Bank, see City Map. Here you can sit down and relax or lunch under covered areas.During early morning of the evening you can take part in exercise's using the equipment provided. The public toilets are also satisfactory. 

Friday, 16 April 2010